I love Pallets in the spring time, I love Pallets in the Fall..I love Pallets every moment, every moment of the year...I love pallets! oh why oh why do I love Pallets? ...Because they are- oh so versa-tile! (sung -slightly out of tune- to Frank Sinatra's Version of I love Paris ;)

Well, what CAN'T you make with a pallet?...NOTHING! ok well almost nothing.
Pallets are cheap (sometimes even free- BUT be sure to spray and seal before painting to avoid bug invasions!), super versatile and are going to be my next D.I.Y project!
Just have to decide what to make: a bed? a bed head? a table? a bar? a shoe rack? a hat rack? a tv cabinet? a couch? oh, the options are endless...
Thats just SOME of the fabulous things you can do with pallets...and for more ideas check this site : www.1001pallets.com they have some cool projects, and there are PLENTY more ideas around on the www!
I'll keep you posted on my pallet project ;)
Pallets make a great foundation for a platform bed frame because they're easily modified to mattress size or made to have area for a night stand, and the slats are close enough to provide proper support, whether you have a traditional or foam mattress.